For Immediate Release:
February 19, 2025
OKReady Announces Zip Codes for Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Grant Program
Program to Provide 100 Grants in First Pilot Launch
OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma Insurance Department (OID) announced eight zip codes for the initial pilot launch of OKReady, the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes (SOH) program. Interested applicants who are eligible and live in one of these zip codes can apply online when the application portal opens at noon on Monday, March 3.
The zip codes were selected using several criteria, including storm data, paid loss ratios and the number of active policies in the selected zip codes. The OID reviewed all zip codes in the Oklahoma City Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) based on contractor and evaluator availability. The final selection looked at the top twenty-five zip codes with average paid loss ratios from 2018-2022 and zip codes that were in the 90th percentile of the national hail loss index scores as established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
“These zip codes represent communities in and around Central Oklahoma that have been significantly impacted by convective storms,” said Ashley Scott, Deputy Commissioner of External Affairs and director of OKReady. “We believe this will be a great start for the first pilot, and our team looks forward to working with approved contractors and evaluators and helping consumers make their homes more resilient to future weather events.”
The goal of early pilot periods is to make sure staff can process full applications, address any technology issues and confirm that external partners can handle the grant demand in a new market. The OID will launch several additional pilots through 2025 with the goal of providing a thousand grants by year-end.
Selected zip codes for the March 3, 2025, pilot launch include:
Since January, the OID has been developing program processes, evaluating storm data, training grant coordinators and recruiting contractors and evaluators to participate in the new grant program.
OKReady will be allocating up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) in grant funds per approved household. The funding will be allocated towards approved construction projects which will fortify homes pursuant to the IBHS FORTIFIED Home – Roof™ – High Wind designation with the Hail Supplement. Grant funds will be paid to the contractor on behalf of the homeowner after receiving the IBHS FORTIFIED Certification.
Check out for eligible zip codes, document requirements, income tiers, and other resources. If you have questions about the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Program or application process, please email the team at