Pre and Post Disaster Reporting Bulletin and Template Frequently Asked Questions

The Pre-Disaster reporting will provide the OID a snapshot of the companies that may have exposure to a particular catastrophic loss. For instance, a wildfire in Custer County may only impact relatively few carriers with more rural exposure in any given year. This Pre- Disaster data will allow the OID to only contact the carriers that have reported exposure for the effected zip codes. Previously, the OID would be limited to issuing industry-wide initiatives or making educated guesses as to which carriers may be impacted by catastrophic losses. 

The Post-Disaster reporting will provide the OID a mechanism to monitor the impact of catastrophic losses on the insurance industry and Oklahoma citizens alike. In the wake of catastrophes, the OID is inundated with media and governmental agency requests for loss estimates and metrics of consumer treatment. The Post-Disaster data will be aggregated and used to satisfy those needs, as well as for internal market and financial solvency analysis purposes. 

Any data released publicly as part of these data calls will be non-company specific and in an aggregated format only. The data templates themselves are subject to the statutory confidentiality of all market and financial solvency analysis working papers [36.O.S. 309.4 (F)].

All Property & Casualty Insurers licensed in the State of Oklahoma with Oklahoma direct written premium reported on their Annual Statements as of December 31st of the preceding year for any of the following lines per Bulletin No PC-2014-03-01 [updated 5/18/2023]: 

  • 01 Fire 
  • 02.1 Allied Lines 
  • 02.2 Multiple Peril Crop 
  • 02.3 Federal Flood 
  • 02.4 Private Crop 
  • 02.5 Private Flood 
  • 03 Farmowners Multiple Peril 
  • 04 Homeowners Multiple Peril 
  • 05.1 Commercial Multiple Peril (Non-Liability Portion) 
  • 12 Earthquake 
  • 21.1 Private passenger auto physical damage 
  • 21.2 Commercial auto physical damage 

The OID only has authority to require domestic surplus lines carriers to provide the data requested.  The OID does respectfully request that foreign surplus lines file the data if they have the capacity and means to do so.

Pre-disaster data is an Insurer’s property and vehicle exposure for personal lines and commercial lines as of December 31st of the preceding year.  Please see Bulletin No. PC 2014-03-1 [updated 5/18/2023] for additional information.

Pre-disaster data is due annually on March 1st.

Post-disaster data reporting is only engaged after a catastrophic event / disaster has occurred AND the Insurance Commissioner has issued a Declaration of Emergency and Order.  Please see Bulletin No. PC 2014-03-2 [updated 5/18/2023].

The OID listened to the feedback we received from carriers and industry trade associations that stated their information systems do not facilitate querying data on a county basis.  As such, all county reporting options have been removed fromthe template and all reporting will be made on a zip code basis only.

In an effort to reduce the number of future data calls, the department is requesting the Pre-disaster data be submitted in aggregate and on a line of business basis. As such, we have separated Commercial lines from Personal lines. The hope is that this will help eliminate the need for some of the additional data calls requesting line specific data.

No.  The “REGULATOR ONLY” worksheet / tab is for us to review the document for potential errors in reporting. Since it is labeled “regulator only,” the worksheet has been protected and locked for editing.

No.  It is important that all companies utilize the most current template each year without changing the format so that we can accurately process and aggregate the data.  Please do not add, delete, or rename any worksheets (tabs) and do not add or delete any rows or columns within the template.  Please only fill in the data requested.  Do not include unsolicited data in blank cells.  When copying data from internal documents, be mindful to not paste any formulas or data links into the reporting templates provided by the OID.

The Company or Group’s completed template should be submitted via email at  We have found this to be the most cost-effective, secure way to transmit data of this size.

The Pre-Disaster Response Template provides spaces for the disaster liaison information that should be completed along with all other data to be submitted.

Simply put, in the Commercial Auto and Personal Auto worksheets, you should report the actual number of vehicles being insured in the zip code in Column B.  For all other Commercial and Personal lines worksheets, report the total dollar amount of insurance inforce (i.e.policy limits) of the risks being insured in the zip code in Column B.

In the event of something like a fleet Commercial Auto policy where coverage may be determined by dollar value policy limit rather than the number of vehicles being covered, please estimate the number of vehicles to the best of your knowledge.  Again, this data is being used to estimate general potential exposure, not to provide a hard, definitive figure.

Understandably, data reporting becomes more complex as the risks insured become more complex.  As such, we can simply advise to use your best judgment as to how to adhere to the basic premise of the data call.

If your company can readily sort the location of the individual risks independent of the insured address, then that would be preferable.  For instance, if you can report that a single policy may have property insured in multiple zip codes and can provide an amount of either covered vehicles or dollar amount of insurance in force for each property, then please do so.  If you can only report the primary insured location, then that will suffice.

The intent of the pre-disaster data call is for the OID to gain an understanding of potential exposure in the event of a catastrophe, the Insurers who may suffer losses, and for which coverage type.

Should a company not have any data to report, please submit an email listing which companies do not have any data. This is preferable to submitting empty reports. This way we know a report containing only zeros was not submitted in error. If you are submitting a group submission, it is not necessary to indicate which companies have no data.

Please replace the proceeding “Blank” in the file name with your company’s NAIC number. If it is a group submission, use the group number and proceed it with a “G”. Receiving uniquely named files will help us more quickly review submissions.

Example: change “Blank Pre-Disaster Response – Personal (2024)”

to “54321 Pre-Disaster Response – Personal (2024)”

or “G4321 Pre-Disaster Response – Personal (2024)”