- 73049 – Jones
- 73051 – Lexington/Slaughterville
- 73065 – Newcastle
- 73069 – Central Norman
- 73071 – East Norman – New
- 73072 – West Norman – New
- 73111 – East OKC
- 73127 – West OKC
- 73129 – Southeast OKC
- 73135 – Southeast OKC/I-240
What is the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes (SOH) program?
SOH provides grants to Oklahoma residents for residential wind and hail mitigation on new and existing, owner-occupied, primary residence single-family homes. Funding for this program comes from the insurance industry in Oklahoma and is not funded from the state’s general budget.
The mitigation standard adopted by the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes program is known as FORTIFIED Home™. It was developed after decades of research by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety and is a voluntary beyond-code construction and re-roofing program. To receive this grant, you must obtain an IBHS FORTIFIED Home – Roof™ – High Wind designation with the Hail Supplement. Learn more about FORTIFIED™ by visiting fortifiedhome.org.
What is wind and hail mitigation?
Wind and hail mitigation consists of construction methods that strengthen a home against severe storms, high winds and wind driven rain and hail. Mitigation reduces the risk of damage to homes during storms, and in Oklahoma, may provide homeowners discounts on their wind insurance premium and deductible.
About the Grant Program
What are the benefits?
Homes with a FORTIFIED Home™ Designation in Oklahoma receive discounts on the wind portion of their homeowner’s insurance premium. Contact your insurance agent for discount details.
View the current discounts here.
Grant amount
Your application will be evaluated provided funds are available, and your home is able to be mitigated. The grant will cover up to $10,000 in costs for the roof upgrade and will be paid directly to the contractor upon completion of the project and submission of required paperwork, including the FORTIFIED™ certificate from IBHS. If there are any costs above the grant award amount, these will be the responsibility of the homeowner. Contracts for all mitigation work will be between the contractor and the homeowner. We do not issue funds to the homeowner.
What are the costs?
SOH grants help homeowners upgrade their roofs to the FORTIFIED standard. Homeowners are responsible for:
- Any cost of the roof replacement that exceeds the awarded grant amount.
- Additionally, homeowners are responsible for paying the evaluation fee directly to the FORTIFIED evaluator. SOH grants do not cover the cost of the evaluation.
- These fees vary by evaluator, so please seek several bids prior to selecting the professional you will work with.
- Separate from their fee for documenting the mitigation work and submitting it to IBHS, FORTIFIED evaluators may charge a small upfront fee for an eligibility determination. Otherwise, you should not be required to make upfront payments for the mitigation work on your home.
Choosing a contractor
After a certified FORTIFIED evaluator has determined your home meets the eligibility requirements to qualify for a FORTIFIED designation, you will select three contractors from a list of SOH qualified and trained contractors. The three contractors will provide bids for the specific work needed on your home.
Once the bids are submitted, you’ll receive a grant award letter. You must have the award letter from SOH before mitigation work can begin. As mitigation continues, the evaluator will work with your chosen contractor to document the work and materials meet the FORTIFIED standard and submit the documentation to IBHS for review and certification.
What is a FORTIFIED evaluation?
For an SOH grant, a FORTIFIED evaluation consists of two steps.
- First, a certified FORTIFIED evaluator inspects a property to determine if it meets the eligibility requirements of the FORTIFIED Home™ program.
- If it does, the evaluator works with the selected contractor to document materials and installation methods meet the FORTIFIED Home – Roof™ – High Wind designation with the Hail Supplement standard. The evaluator then submits the documentation to IBHS for review and certification.
Homeowners will choose an evaluator from a list of SOH qualified and trained evaluators. You, as the homeowner, are responsible for paying the small fee for the evaluation directly to the evaluator. Our grants do not cover the cost of the evaluation.
Shop your insurance!
Whether you apply for a grant or not, we encourage you to shop for homeowner’s insurance to ensure you have the coverage that is best for you and your family.
To view current rate comparison scenarios, visit our Home Insurance Rate Comparison page.
What is the FORTIFIED™ Roof standard?
The wind mitigation standard adopted by the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Program is known as the FORTIFIED Home – Roof™ – High Wind designation with the Hail supplement. Based on decades of research by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) FORTIFIED™ is a voluntary construction and re-roofing program designed to strengthen homes against specific types of severe weather such as high winds, hail, hurricanes, and even tornados. More information about the FORTIFIED™ Roof standard is available at www.FORTIFIEDhome.org. Learn more about premium discounts by clicking here.
What is wind and hail mitigation?
Wind and hail mitigation consists of construction methods that strengthen a home against severe storms, high winds and wind driven rain and hail. Mitigation reduces the risk of damage to homes during storms, and in Oklahoma, provides homeowners discounts on their wind insurance premium and deductible.
When will the grant program open?
The grant program will open periodically throughout the year. Specific dates for each funding cycle will be announced in advance. We encourage you to check our website regularly or subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed about when the next application period begins.
Do I Qualify?
- Residents that claim their primary residence in Oklahoma may apply. You cannot live in an apartment, duplex, condominium, manufactured home or mobile home.
- Your home must be in good repair.
- You must provide proof that you have an in-force homeowners insurance policy during the application process.
- You must be able to provide proof that you have an in-force wind insurance policy on your home during the application process.
- You must have flood insurance if your home is in a special flood hazard area. This policy can be from the National Flood Insurance Plan or a policy written by a private insurance carrier.
- You must get a home evaluation from a Certified FORTIFIED™ Evaluator who is approved by the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes program. You will have the opportunity to select your Evaluator after you fill out the grant application.
- Payment will be issued by the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes program on your behalf directly to the contractor. Payment will be issued to your contractor only after you satisfy all the requirements for the grant.
How do I apply?
- When grant applications open, you will be able to register and apply using our grant portal. The link will be made available on our website at oid.ok.gov/okready.
How can I get a FORTIFIED™ Roof without a grant?
There are two ways to get a FORTIFIED™ Roof without going through the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes program. First, you can self-fund the project. Contact a certified Evaluator to get started. Second, you can ask your agent to add the FORTIFIED™ endorsement to your insurance policy. With the FORTIFIED™ endorsement, your insurance company can replace your roof to the FORTIFIED™ standard when it is damaged in a covered event.
What types of homes are eligible?
Most primary residences such as single-family homes and new construction homes are eligible for the program. Apartments, duplexes, condominiums, manufactured homes, and mobile homes are not eligible.
What requirements must a homeowner meet to be eligible?
Homeowners are only eligible for their primary residence and must verify they have a homestead exemption by attaching a PDF copy of documentation during the application process. Homeowners must also have an active residential insurance policy with wind coverage. If they live in a Special Flood Hazard Area as designated by FEMA, they must also provide proof of a flood insurance policy. The declaration page of applicable insurance policies will need to be uploaded in PDF format during the application process. Contact your agent if you are unsure whether you have these coverages. The home must also be in good repair and eligible for a FORTIFIED™ Home designation as determined by a FORTIFIED™ Evaluation and IBHS. Properties must meet eligibility criteria described in the 2025 FORTIFIED™ Standard and associated technical documents as published by the IBHS.
What is a FORTIFIED™ Evaluation?
FORTIFIED™ Evaluators are independent, third-party professionals who have been trained and certified in FORTIFIED™ standard requirements. They document and verify the entire construction process to ensure program requirements are met. They work with all parties involved to help the process goes smoothly. The FORTIFIED™ Pre-Evaluation is performed by a FORTIFIED™ Evaluator and is a required step in the grant process that determines whether the home is eligible to be upgraded to the FORTIFIED™ Roof standard and what work is needed to upgrade the home. The evaluation process continues through completion of the work to confirm the home is properly upgraded to the FORTIFIED™ Roof standard. The Evaluator will provide a report to IBHS and obtain the FORTIFIED™ Roof certificate. Homeowners are responsible for paying evaluation fees for the entire evaluation process according to prices set by the Evaluator.
How much is a Strengthen Oklahoma Homes grant?
The grant will cover up to $10,000 in costs for the roof upgrade and will be paid directly to the contractor upon completion of the project and submission of required paperwork, including the FORTIFIED™ certificate from IBHS. The Evaluator fee is not included in grant funding.
Will the grant cover my deductible if I have an insurance claim?
No, the grant will not cover your deductible for an insurance claim, however, the grant may be used in conjunction with an insurance claim. Up to $10,000 of grant funds may be awarded to cover the cost of upgrading your roof to the FORTIFIED standards.
When do I choose a Contractor?
Homeowners should confirm there is at least one approved FORTIFIED™ Contractor that is able to perform work before paying for an Evaluator to inspect the home. During the grant process, you will be asked to select three contractors from the approved list who will submit bids. If you hire a Contractor and begin work before acceptance into the grant program, you will not be eligible for the grant.
Can I receive a grant for a roof that is already being upgraded or that was recently upgraded to the FORTIFIED™ standard?
No, homeowners must apply for and be awarded a grant before selecting a Contractor and beginning construction.
Can the grant be used to help pay for repairs if my roof is damaged?
Yes. The grant can be used to pay the difference between your insurance claim payment and the cost of an upgraded FORTIFIED™ roof.
What are the costs?
Outside of the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Grant, the FORTIFIED™ Evaluators charge a small fee for their service. These fees vary by evaluator, so please seek several bids prior to selecting the professional you will work with. In addition to the evaluator fees, any costs over the grant awarded will be the homeowners responsibility.
What is a FORTIFIED™ designation certificate?
A FORTIFIED™ designation is a written certification that a home or business has been built, renovated, or re-roofed according to FORTIFIED™ standards. The designation certificate is issued by IBHS after reviewing the documentation provided by a FORTIFIED™ Evaluator. A FORTIFIED™ designation is required to receive Strengthen Oklahoma Homes grant funding.
How long does a designation last?
FORTIFIED™ designations last five years. Because the condition of a home changes over time, it is important to periodically confirm it still meets the rigorous requirements of a FORTIFIED™ designation. A simple re-designation inspection through a FORTIFIED™ Evaluator verifying there have been no substantial changes to the structure and that the roof covering is within its life expectancy is typically all that is required to renew the designation for another five-year period. A reminder letter is sent to the address of the home that was upgraded to the FORTIFIED™ standard. Designation certificates are transferable upon a home sale.
How do I receive a discount on my insurance premium after work is complete?
After the work is complete and your home is upgraded to the FORTIFIED Roof standard, you will be issued a certificate that can be shared with your insurer to receive a discount on your premium. Discounts are determined directly by the carrier and may not be offered by all companies. Check here for a list of the state’s insurers offering premium discounts.
When you sell the house, the certificate can be passed along to the new owner. FORTIFIED Roof certificates are good for five years, and homeowners will need to retain an Evaluator to reinspect the home to renew the certification.
Am I required to live in my home for any length of time after receiving the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Grant?
No, you are not required to live in your home for any length of time after receiving the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes grant.
Can I just get a new roof?
The grant program is designed to mitigate a home against high wind and hail damage. If a new roof is required, then it will be included in the scope of work for the grant to meet the Fortified standard. Grants are for the cost associated to mitigate a home to the IBHS standard up to a cost of $10,000. Any cost above the grant awarded is the responsibility of the homeowner.
What happens if I cannot afford to pay the cost difference between my grant award and the bids I receive?
You may opt out of the grant program any time BEFORE you contract with a contractor. The money you paid for the home review will not be reimbursed. In order to opt out of the grant program, you must notify the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes program in writing via email at OKReady@oid.ok.gov within 30 days of receiving your grant award letter.
Can I do the mitigation work to my home myself?
No. You must use a contractor authorized to work on the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Program. Our contractors have been certified by IBHS to perform fortified work. Contractor selection is done as part of the application process and the contractor you select is responsible for all aspects of the mitigation work on your home.
Homeowner Qualifications
- Residents that claim their primary residence in Oklahoma may apply.
- Condominiums, duplexes, mobile homes or manufactured homes are not eligible at this time.
Condition of residence
Your home must be in good repair, unless damaged by a tornado, other catastrophic windstorm or hail. Good repair means the home is well maintained and the only damage, if any, is recent storm-related damage.
Proof of insurance
- You must provide proof that you have an in-force homeowners insurance policy with wind coverage.
- You must provide proof that you have an in-force flood insurance policy if your home is in a special flood hazard area. This policy can be from the National Flood Insurance Plan or a policy written by a private insurance carrier. To determine if your property is in a floodplain, you may review the FEMA FIRM maps. Please visit https://msc.fema.gov/portal/home.
Household income
The Strengthen Oklahoma Homes Program has developed 2 income tiers:
- Tier 1- A household with an income of $62,138 or less.
- Tier 2- A household with an income above $62,138.
Certified FORTIFIED™ Evaluator
To obtain a FORTIFIED™ Designation certificate, your property must receive an evaluation from a Certified FORTIFIED™ Evaluator who is approved by the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes program.
The evaluator will inspect your property to determine if it meets the minimum eligibility requirements to be FORTIFIED.
If the property does not meet the FORTIFIED minimum eligibility requirements, the property will not be awarded a grant.
If the property meets the minimum eligibility requirements, your evaluator will work with your chosen SOH-approved contractor to document the mitigation work. Once work is completed, your evaluator will submit the documentation and images to the IBHS audit team for review and approval. If your roof was installed to FORTIFIED Home – Roof™ – High Wind designation with the Hail Supplement, the IBHS audit team will issue a designation certificate.
You will have the opportunity to select an evaluator following notification of the approval of your application.
- Payment will be issued by the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes program on your behalf directly to the contractor.
- Payment will be issued to your contractor only after you satisfy all the requirements for the grant.
Homeowner documents
Contractor and Evaluator Qualifications
FORTIFIED certification
To be a provider within the Strengthen Oklahoma Homes program, you must be certified through the Institute of Business and Home Safety’s FORTIFIED Program. Please visit https://fortifiedhome.org/how-to-become-fortified-certified/ to begin your training.
Please email the appropriate application and copies of all required documents to OKready@oid.ok.gov. Required documents are listed on the last page of the application.
Important Documents
- Scope of Work
- Bidsheet
- Invoice
- Technical Bulletin- FH2023-09
A FORTIFIED Roof™ keeps the wind and rain out, preventing a cascade of damage that can destroy your home and belongings. FORTIFIED Roof was specifically designed to prevent damage that commonly occurs during high winds, hurricanes, hailstorms, severe thunderstorms, and even tornadoes up to EF-2. No matter what type of roof you have—shingles, metal, or tile—the following FORTIFIED Roof requirements will make your home stronger.
Enhanced Roof Deck Attachment
When severe weather hits, keeping your roof deck attached to your home keeps the wind and rain from entering your home. IBHS testing shows that switching from common smooth nails to 8D ring-shank nails in an enhanced pattern, can double the uplift your roof can withstand.
Sealed Roof Deck
If wind rips off your roof covering (like shingles, metal panels or tiles), it exposes the wood beneath and allows water to pass through the gaps and enter your home. IBHS testing shows that for every inch of rain to hit an exposed roof deck, the equivalent of nine bathtubs of water can pour in and cause significant interior damage. By sealing the seams of your roof deck, you can reduce that water-intrusion by up to 95%!
Locked Down Roof Edges
Roof damage often begins when wind gets underneath the roof edge and begins ripping it away from the home. To help protect this vulnerable area, FORTIFIED™ requires specific materials and installation methods, including a wider drip edge and a fully adhered starter strip, that when used together create a stronger edge system.
Impact-resistant Shingles Rated by IBHS
In hail-prone areas, FORTIFIED™ requires shingles tested by IBHS to show they can withstand hail up to 2 inches in diameter. These shingles outperform typical Class 4 shingles when tested against realistic hailstones and will better protect your home.
**Required for the optional Hail Supplement to a FORTIFIED™ designation (IBHS FORTIFIED™ Roof High Wind and Hail Supplement)
Wind and Rain-resistant Attic Vents
During severe weather events, high winds can pull typical attic vents loose, giving the storm a pathway into your home. Even when it doesn’t pull vents loose, wind can drive rain almost sideways, allowing it to enter your home through vents that are not designed to prevent it. To keep this from happening, effective January 2025, FORTIFIED™ requires attic vents that are wind and rain-resistant.
For more information on FORTIFIED™ Roof specifications and other FORTIFIED™ standard levels, visit fortifiedhome.org/roof.

FORTIFIED™ Roof Standards
Your roof is your home’s first line of defense. In fact, research shows the roof is the most important component of every building as well as the most vulnerable. Based on extensive field and lab research of structural damage caused by high winds, the IBHS FORTIFIED Roof™ construction standard was developed to strengthen homes against severe weather. The series of upgrades required by the standard have helped roofs perform better in both the hurricanes IBHS replicates in their state-of-the-art lab and in real-world events, including Hurricanes Dorian, Michael, Sally and Ida.