All Business Entities/Agencies * (S-Corp, C-Corp, LLC, LLP, LC, LP, Partnership) engaging in functions/activities (i.e. selling, solicitation, or negotiation of insurance) in the name of the Business Entity/Agency, are required to be licensed as an Insurance Producer in Oklahoma in accordance with Article 14A – Oklahoma Producer Licensing Act.

Federal Employee Identification Number (FEIN) – This is the federal tax id number assigned to the business entity/agency by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It is required that the business entity/agency has been assigned a FEIN before submitting an application for licensure.

Resident Applicants only – Resident business entities must be organized pursuant to Oklahoma law as a domestic entity. Please contact the Oklahoma Secretary of State directly for questions, forms, and filing fees at

Submit to this office a complete certified copy of the Articles of Organization (LLC, LC, LLP, Partnership) or a complete certified copy of Articles of Incorporation (S-Corp, C-Corp) to the Oklahoma Insurance Department by e-mail to

Banking Institutions and Credit Unions – Submit proof of organization by providing a copy of the State or National Banking Charter, or Credit Union Charter as it may apply.

It is required that at least one (1) individual owner (or highest ranking officer) is listed in the Owner field on the application, Owner/Officers/Directors are not required to be licensed.

Business entity applicants must provide at least one (1) Designated Responsible Licensed Producer (DRLP) that has an active Oklahoma license with the exact same license type and lines of authority requested on the business entity application.

Choose the desired license type at the top of this page to be linked to the NIPR electronic application. Payment is required using an electronic check or credit card before application submission is complete. Please Note: Business entities hold either a Producer or Adjuster license in this state.

See the following link for all Licensing fees: Licensing Fee Schedule

The DRLP is responsible for ALL of the Business Entity/Agency’s compliance to Oklahoma insurance laws, rules and regulations. At least one (1) DRLP must be associated (affiliated) with the agency. More than one DRLP can be listed however, the Oklahoma Insurance Department does not require all licensed individuals within the agency to be listed or affiliated with the Business Entity/Agency license.

The DLRPs are updated when the renewal is submitted electronically. The information may be manually updated anytime as needed. Please do not list every producer that works within an agency. Only the producer responsible for compliance needs to be listed. You may view the agency license using the following instructions:

  1. Access our web page at Please bookmark this page for future use and refer to it often to keep up-to-date on the latest news regarding Oklahoma Licensing.
  2. Under License Tools, click on Print Your License.
  3. Jurisdiction – choose Oklahoma, Entity Type- Business Entity, Enter the License Number, NPN, FEIN in the boxes provided and click SEARCH.
  4. License information will be displayed. Scroll down until you see Designated Responsible Licensed Producer.

Mid-Term Change to DLRP:

To request a mid-term change to the DRLP, please submit a written request as a PDF file to Licensing @ The written request must be on agency letterhead and signed by an owner/officer of the agency. The written request must include the following information:

  • Agency Name
  • License Number and/or EIN
  • DRLP’s Full Name and Social Security Number and/or Oklahoma License Number

It is required that at least one (1) individual owner (or highest ranking officer) is listed in the Owner field on the application. * Providing notice of updating owners/officers/partners/directors is no longer required (Revoked 11/01/2009) [36 O.S. § 1435.7].

Choose the license type at the top of this page to be linked to the NIPR electronic application. Payment is required using an electronic check or credit card before application submission is complete.

Please Note: Business entities hold either a Producer or Adjuster license in this state. If the license is expired or inactive you must submit a new application (not renewal).

If the license is expired or inactive you must submit a new Initial application (not renewal). Choose the license type at the top of this page to be linked to the NIPR electronic application. Payment is required using an electronic check or credit card before application submission is complete.

Please Note: Business entities hold either a Producer or Adjust license in this state.

Update Your License Click on the desired change type and follow the prompts.

It is required that all branch offices are reported to the OID. Please submit the notification on company letterhead, signed by an Owner/Officer/Director, including branch address, phone number, and fax number. ** Branch offices operating under the same FEIN as the primary Business Entity/Agency, do not need to be licensed. If the branch office has a separate FEIN from the primary agency, then it must hold a separate license.

A Business Entity/Agency doing business under any name other than the true legal name, is required to notify the OID prior to using the assumed name (dba, trade name, fictitious name, etc.) Please follow the instruction for a Name Change. There will be field space on the Name Change Request Form to add a DBA.