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Medicare Mondays A free and informative webinar series. Click below to register now!

About the Medicare Assistance Program

The Medicare Assistance Program is funded by three grants through the Administration for Community Living:

  1. State Health Insurance Counseling Program (SHIP)
  2. Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)
  3. Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers (MIPPA)

If you need help or have questions, please contact us at our in-state toll free number, 800-763-2828, or our direct line, 405-521-6628.

State Health Insurance Counseling Program (SHIP)

Counseling Citizens with Their Medicare Insurance Needs

The State Health Insurance Counseling Program (SHIP) is a grant-funded program that helps to inform the public about Medicare and Medicare-related insurance options.  SHIP provides accurate and objective counseling, assistance, and advocacy related to

  • Medicare
  • Medicare supplements
  • Medicare Advantage
  • Medicare prescription drug coverage

And other related health coverage issues for Medicare beneficiaries, their families and caregivers, and persons soon to be eligible for Medicare.

Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)

Reducing Medicare Fraud, Errors, and Abuse by Increasing Public Awareness Through Community Education

The Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) is a grant-funded program that works to educate seniors and others on ways to protect themselves from becoming a victim of Medicare fraud.  SMP provides community programs and materials that provide information on topics such as how to read a Medicare Summary Notice, including how to detect and report discrepancies.  SMP recruits volunteers from the community to assist in providing education, disseminating information, and counseling seniors who think they may have been a victim of Medicare fraud.

Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers (MIPPA)

Helping Low-Income Seniors Afford their Prescription Medications

MIPPA is a grant funded program that aims to identify low-income seniors who need assistance to pay for their prescription medications.  It also encourages all Medicare beneficiaries to take advantage of the preventive services now covered by Medicare.

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