Approved Captive Service Providers
Captive Actuaries / Actuarial Firms
Captive Actuary / Actuarial Firm Name | Contacts |
ACR Solutions Group |
Allen Rosenbach, Actuary 1800 S. Ocean Dr. Suite 804 Hallandale, FL 33009 (908)598-1555 arosenbach@comcast.net www.acr4you.com |
ACR Solutions Group |
Paul Henning |
Actuaries, Inc. | Anthony Pipia, MAAA, FCA, ACAS 5637 Forkwood Dr. NW Acworth GA 30101 (678) 438-8656 anthony.pipia@actuariesinc.com www.actuaries-inc.com |
The Actuarial Advantage, Inc. | Kyle Scott Mrotek N63W23524 Silver Spring Dr., Upper Level Sussex, WI 53089 (610) 627-0702 kmrotek@taa-inc.com www.taa-inc.com |
The Actuarial Advantage, Inc. | Laura Suzanne Martin 525 3rd St. SW Faribault, MN 55021 (610) 627-0700 lmartin@taa-inc.com www.taa-inc.com |
The Actuarial Advantage, Inc. |
Robert W. Van Epps, FCAS, MAAA |
Actuarial Factor LLC | Espy Borja Mead, FCAS, FSA, MAAA 8950 SW 74th CT, Suite 1708 Miami, FL 33156 (800) 957-9196 (786) 397-9212 emead@actuarialfactor.com www.actuarialfactor.com |
Allegiant Actuarial Group, LLC | Randall David Ross P.O. Box 95361 South Jordan, UT 84095 (801)204-9192 rross@allegiantactuarial.com www.allegiantactuarial.com |
AmeRisk Consulting, LLC | Gordon Thompson P.O. Box 14126 Albuquerque, NM 87191 (480) 719-5662 gthompson@ameriskconsulting.com www.ameriskconsulting.com |
CedarStone Actuarial, LLC |
Sydney McIndoo, FCAS, MAAA |
Centric Actuarial Solutions | Dustin Gary 6800 College Blvd, Suite 245, Overland Park, KS 66211 (913) 317-8681 dgary@centricactuaries.com www.centricactuaries.com |
Epsilon Actuarial Solutions, LLC | Julie Ann Ekdom, Principal & CEO 4921 E Mitchell Drive, Phoenix AZ 85018 (602) 692-7189 jekdom@epsilonactuarial.com www.epsilonactuarial.com |
Financial Risk Analysts, LLC | Daniel Reppert FCAS, MAAA 706 Northeast Drive, Suite 4 Davidson, NC 28036 (704) 895-9765 dan.reppert@fin-risk.com www.fin-risk.com |
Fred R. White Company, Inc. | Fred R White, CPCU, ARM, CHP 1433 Parkwood Dr. Carrollton, TX 75007 (972) 394-4343 fwhite@frwcos.com http://www.fredrwhitecompany.com |
Glicksman Consulting, LLC | Steven Glicksman 599 West Royal Palm Road #A Boca Raton, FL 33496 (561) 994-4385 sglicksman@glicksmanconsulting.com www.glicksmanconsulting.com |
GPW & Associates, Inc. | Amanda C. Lubking (602) 490-3893 alubking@gpwa.com Amanda Rachelle Kemling (602) 200-6933 akemling@gpwa.com 3101 N. Central Ave, Ste. 400 Phoenix, AZ 85012 www.gpwa.com |
Hause Monnin Consulting | Gary Monnin Jeffrey Yeatman 1715 S Capital of Texas Hwy Austin, TX 78746 (512) 328-5854 gpmonnin@hausemonnin.com jyeatman@hausemonnin.com www.gpmonnin.com |
Kerper and Bowron, LLC | Lee Bowron 400 Vestavia Pkwy Ste. 131 Birmingham, AL 35216 (205) 870-0595 lee@kerper-bowron.com http://www.kerper-bowron.com/ |
Marsh Captive Solutions | Dawne Davenport, ACAS, MAAA, Actuarial Consultant & VP 540 West Madison Street, Suite 1200 Chicago, IL 60661 (312) 627 6924 dawne.davenport@marsh.com www.marshcaptivesolutions.com |
Marsh Captive Solutions | Katrina Elizabeth Smith 463 Mountain View Dr., Ste. 301, 3rd Flr., Colchester, VT 05446 (802) 864-2748 Katrina.smith@marsh.com www.marshcaptivesolutions.com |
Merlinos & Associates, Inc. | Brett Miller FCAS, MAAA, ARM 3274 Medlock Bridge Road Peachtree Corners GA 30092 (678) 684-4864 bmiller@merlinosinc.com www.merlinosinc.com |
Merlinos & Associates, Inc. | Thomas Wesley Vasey 5550 Peachtree Parkway, Suite 600 Peachtree Corners, GA 30092 (678) 684-4851 tvasey@merlinosinc.com www.merlinosinc.com |
Milliman | Stephen DiCenso, Consulting Actuary 289 Edgewater Drive Wakefield, MA 01880 (781) 213-6200 stephen.dicenso@milliman.com www.milliman.com |
Milliman | Charles C. Pearl, Jr. 101 W. Renner Rd., Ste. 325 Richardson, TX 75082 (214) 570-8450 Chuck.pearl@milliman.com www.milliman.com |
Milliman | Rachel Marie Mazorol Seale 101 W. Renner Rd., Ste. 325 Richardson, TX 75082 (214) 775-1136 Rachel.Seale@Milliman.com www.milliman.com |
Milliman | David Matthew Lang 101 W. Renner Rd., Ste. 325 Richardson, TX 75082 (214)570-8456 david.lang@Milliman.com www.milliman.com |
Moore Actuarial Consulting, LLC | David Moore 10526 W. Cermark Rd, Suite 205G Westchester, IL. 60154 (773) 614-7577 david.moore@mooreactuarial.com www.mooreactuarial.com |
Oliver Wyman | Richard John Babel 7746 Marsh Blue Ct. Westerville, OH 43082 (773) 304-8985 Rich.Babel@oliverwyman.com www.oliverwyman.com |
Perr & Knight, Inc. | Charles Richard Lenz 401 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 300 Santa Monica, CA 90401 (310) 889-0948 clenz@perrknight.com www.perrknight.com |
Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc. | Aaron Hillebrandt 3109 Cornelius Dr Bloomington, IL 61704 (309) 807-2312 AHillebrandt@pinnacleactuaries.com www.pinnacleactuaries.com |
Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc. | Daniel Alan Linton 3109 Cornelius Drive Bloomington, IL 61704 (309)807-2335 dlinton@pinnacleactuaries.com www.pinnacleactuaries.com |
Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc. |
Derek William Freihaut |
Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc. | Gregory W. Fears, Jr. 3109 Cornelius Drive Bloomington, Illinois 61704 (309) 807-2316 gfears@pinnacleactuaries.com www.pinnacleactuaries.com |
Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc. | Robert Walling III 3109 Cornelius Dr. Bloomington, IL 61704 (309) 807-2320 rwalling@pinnacleactuaries.com https://www.pinnacleactuaries.com/ |
Rivelle Consulting Services | Marn Rivelle 2430 Vanderbilt Beach Rd # 108-276 Naples, FL 34109 (213) 816-8925 marn@rivelleconsulting.com www.rivelleconsulting.com |
RMS Solutions, Inc. |
Peter Rauner, FCAS, MAAA |
Select Actuarial Services | Patricia Cheryl White 4400 Harding Pike, Suite 401 Nashville, TN 37205 (615) 620-7583 cheryl.white@selectactuarial.com www.selectactuarial.com |
SGRisk |
Jonathan Griglack |
SGRisk, LLC | Richard Levy, FCAS, MAAA 1050 Wall Street West Suite 202 Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 (917) 589-5953 levy@sgrisk.com www.sgrisk.com |
SIGMA Actuarial Consulting Group, Inc. | Alchron Jones Rhodes III 5301 Virginia Way, Ste 230 Brentwood, TN 37027 (615) 376-5110 x202 al@sigmaactuary.com SIGMAactuary.com |
SIGMA Actuarial Consulting Group, Inc. | Brian Patrick LePage 5301 Virginia Way, Ste 230 Brentwood, TN 37027 (615) 376-5110 x217 brian@sigmaactuary.com SIGMAactuary.com |
SIGMA Actuarial Consulting Group, Inc. | L. Michelle Bradley 5301 Virginia Way, Ste 230 Brentwood, TN 37027 (615) 376-5110 x204 mb@sigmaactuary.com SIGMAactuary.com |
SIGMA Actuarial Consulting Group, Inc. | Solomon Carlos Feinberg 5301 Virginia Way, Ste 230 Brentwood, TN 37027 (615) 376-5110 x219 sol@sigmaactuary.com SIGMAactuary.com |
Spring Consulting Group, An Alera Group Company, LLC | Peter James Johnson 30 Federal St., 4th Fl. Boston, MA 02110 (843) 469-2236 peter.johnson@springgroup.com https://springgroup.com/ |
Stonewall Insurance Services | Turhan Enis Murguz PO Box 460846 San Francisco, CA 94146 (415) 549-6864 tmurguz@gmail.com |
Streff Insurance Services, Inc. | Alan Hapke 2505 W 162nd Terrace Stilwell, KS 66085 (913) 488-3868 al@streffinsurance.com www.streffinsurance.com/Default.htm |
Streff Insurance Services, Inc. | Eric Mitchell Mann 2505 W 162nd Terrace Stilwell, KS 66085 (651)356-9059 eric@streffinsurance.com www.streffinsurance.com/Default.htm |
Taylor-Walker Consulting, LLC | Sol Frazier 10619 S. Jordan Gtwy., Ste. 335 South Jordan, UT 84095 (801) 562-5748 sfrazier@taylor-walker.com www.taylor-walker.com |
Towers Watson | John Butcher II 5420 LBJ Freeway Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 701-2600 john.butcher@towerswatson.com www.towerswatson.com/en-US |
Wakely Consulting Group, LLC | Aree Katje Bly 8000 S. Chester Ste 650 Centennial, CO 80112 (720)226-9813 aree.bly@wakely.com www.wakely.com |
Wakely Consulting Group, LLC | Luke Duane Brehmer 500 2nd St. N. Apt. 106 Minneapolis, MN 55401 (701)200-9386 lukeb@wakely.com www.wakely.com |
Captive Managers
Contact Manager | Contacts |
Acuity Strategic Consulting LLC | William P. White 15 Augusta Drive Westampton, NJ 08060 (609) 915-1196 wpw@acuity-strategic.com www.acuity-strategic.com |
Advantage Insurance Management (USA) LLC | Simon Kilpatrick 177 Meeting Street Suite 470 Charleston, SC 29401 (843) 853-0446 s.kilpatrick@aihusa.com www.aihusa.com |
Align Risk Solutions, LLC | Andrew P. Rhea, JD, ACI President 3322 West End Avenue, Suite 120 Nashville, TN 37203 615-647-8621 615-788-1218 arhea@alignrisksolutions.com |
Andrew Barile Consulting Corporation, Inc. | Andrew Barile 3 Breakfast Court Savannah, GA 31411 (619) 507-0354 abarile@abarileconsult.com abarileconsult.com |
Aon Insurance Managers (USA) Inc. | Nancy Gray 100 Bank Street, Suite 630 Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 652-1570 nancy.gray@aon.com http://www.aon.com/captives/global/index.jsp |
Apetrop USA | John West P.O. Box 7 Brattelboro, VT 05301 (603) 933-3722 john.west@apetropusa.com www.apetropusa.com |
Artex Risk Solutions, Inc. | Brittanni Norbut 1840 S Stapley Dr., Ste. 234 Mesa, AZ 85204 (480)718-2140 brittanni_norbut@artexrisk.com www.artexrisk.com |
Aurora Risk Technologies LLC | Logan Gremillion 510 Bering Dr., Suite 575 Houston, TX 77057-1457 (713) 800-0550 lgremillion@aurorarisk.ai |
Broad Reach Risk Management, LLC | Scott Syphers 1911 Hillandale Rd. Suite 1020 Durham, NC 27705 (919) 309-9325 ssyphers@broadreachpartnersllc.com broadreachpartnersllc.com |
Cannon Cochran Management Services, Inc. |
Bryan Thomas 2 East Main Street, Ste. 208 Danville, IL 61832 (217)446-1089 jkluth@ccmsi.com www.ccmsi.com |
Capstone Associated Services, Ltd. | Daniel R. Calderon 510 Bering Dr., Suite 575 Houston, TX 77057-1457 713.800.0550 Ext. 350 dcalderon@CapstoneAssociated.com www.CapstoneAssociated.com |
Captive Management Solutions, Inc. |
Sean J Kirrane |
CaptiveOne Management, LLC |
Jason Byers |
Danielson Tax & Advisory LLC |
Daniel Hasso |
Elevate Risk Solutions | Serena Lintker 1103 Sovereign Row, Suite D Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (618) 667-8414 serena@elevaterisk.solutions www.elevaterisk.solutions |
Empower Risk Solutions |
Derek R. Taylor |
FreedomCare Management Services, LLC. | Daniel Smith 8918 Spanish Ridge Ave., Ste. 200 Las Vegas, NV 89148 (800) 589-6383 daniel.smith@selfinsuredsolutions.com https://freedomcarebenefits.com/ |
GPW and Associates, Inc. | Rae Brown, CPA, ACI AVP, Captive Insurance Solutions 3101 N. Central Avenue, Suite 400 Phoenix, AZ 85012 602) 200-6921 Cell: (602) 751-6312 Fax: (602) 200-6901 Email: rbrown@gpwa.com www.gpwa.com |
Helio Risk LLC |
Heather McClure |
Heritor Management Ltd. | Debra Dixon 43 Hermitage Heights, Zetlands, St. John’s Parish, Nevis. St. Kitts & Nevis, West Indies (869) 469-0700 heritor@gmail.com |
HUB International Limited | Evan Muffly 210 Sixth Avenue, 30th Floor Pittsburgh,PA 15222 (412) 992-2810 evan.muffly@hubinternational.com hubinternational.com |
Hylant Global Captive Solutions |
Dawn Dinardo |
KeyState Captive Management, LLC | David Guerino Alicia Huskes, ACI PO Box 8367 100 Main Street, Suite 1 Burlington, VT 05402 (802)316-4333 dguerino@key-state.com http://www.key-state.com |
Indemnity National Insurance Company | Robert Shepard 4800 Old Kingston Pike, Suite 120 Knoxville, TN 37919 (865) 934-4360 bshepard@indemnitynational.com www.indemnitynational.com |
Marsh Management Services, Inc. | Gavin Foggon, CA 151 Meeting Street, Suite 301 Charleston, SC 29401 (843) 577-1030 gavin.foggon@marsh.com www.marshcaptivesolutions.com |
Midlands Management Corporation | Charles Caldwell Richard Bird Sheryl Case 3817 NW Expressway Suite 1000 Oklahoma City, OK 73112 (405) 840-0074 cccaldwell@midman.com rbird@midman.com slcase@midman.com www.midlandsmgt.com |
MIJS Captive Management, LLC | Douglas W. Butler, Jr. 326 Roswell St., Ste. 100 Marietta, GA 30060 (678)784-2851 dwbutler@mijs.com www.mijs.com |
Murray, Wamble & Associates, Inc. | Kenneth Wamble 1112 S. Boston Ave. Tulsa, OK 74119 (918) 688-2149 kenw@murraywamble.com |
Palmetto Consulting of Columbia, LLC | Matthew Holycross 1325 Park St. Ste 200 Columbia, SC (803)400-6862 matt@palmettoconsulting.us |
Pegasus Captive Management, LLC |
Donald Brian Rousso |
Rhodium Program Management, LLC | Peter H. Foley 1350 Ave. of Americas, Ste. 250 New York, NY 10019 (646) 568-1865 phfoley@rhodiumprograms.com rhodiumprograms.com |
Ridgeline Captive Management, Inc. | PO Box 2776 Oklahoma City, OK 73101 (405) 834-5978 www.ridgelinecaptive.com |
Risk Management Advisors LLC | Max Jong, Managing Director 2040 Main St, #450 Irvine, CA 92614 mjong@riskmgmtadvisors.com www.riskmgmtadvisors.com |
Risk Partners, Inc. | Gary Osborne 444 East Kings Highway Suite 100 Maple Shade, NJ 08052 (516) 658-6829 gosborne@riskpartners.com http://www.riskpartners.com/ |
Risk Services, LLC | Michael T. Rogers 1605 Main St., Ste. 800 Sarasota, FL 34236 (941)955-0793 Mrogers@pboa.com www.riskservcos.com |
Sotera Global Management |
Renea Louie |
Star Captive Management, LLC | Jeffery Emmons 13349 Lime Ridge Dr. Frisco TX 75033 (210) 215-7937 jemmons4@tx.rr.com |
Strategic Risk Solutions (West), Inc. | Ann Wick 20860 N Tatum Blvd, Suite 260 Phoenix, AZ 85050 (602) 903-0318 ann.wick@strategicrisks.com www.strategicrisks.com |
Symphony Management Ltd. | John Neal Butterfield Bank Building, 6th Floor 65 Front Street Hamilton, HM 12, Bermuda (441) 278-9371 john.neal@symphony.bm http://www.symphonybermuda.com/ |
Synergy Captive Strategies, LLC | 8905 W Post Rd Ste. 210 Las Vegas, NV 89148 (702) 473-5270 keith@synergycaptives.com www.synergycaptives.com |
The Law Office of Hale Stewart | Hale Stewart 1734A East 29th Street Houston, TX 77009 (832) 330-4101 halestewart@halestewartlaw.com www.halestewartlaw.com |
Tint Technologies Inc. | Matheus Riolfi 2261 Market Street #4427 San Francisco, CA 94114 (412) 444-5166 compliance@tint.ai |
Trean Underwriting Managers, LLC | Daniel Smith 100 Lake Street West Wayzata, MN 55391 (952) 974-2248 dsmith@treancorp.com www.treanunderwriting.com |
Unity Captive Solutions, LLC | Jerry D. Messick ACI, TRA 1103 Sovereign Row, Suite C Oklahoma City, OK 73108 (405) 256 – 3533 jerry@unitycaptive.com www.unitycaptive.com |
USA Risk Group (South), Inc. | Paul Newton 1327C Ashley River Road, Suite 200 Charleston, SC 29407 (877) 872-7475 pnewton@usarisk.com www.usarisk.com |
Willis Management (Vermont) Ltd., dba Willis Management Hawaii |
Jason Palmer 1003 Bishop Street, Suite 1220 Honolulu HI 96813 (808) 521-0723 jason.palmer@willis.com www.williscaptives.com |
XN Companies d/b/a XN Captive |
Rachel Jenkins, COO |
Captive CPA’s
Captive CPA’s | Name |
Arledge & Associates |
Jacob Wade Winkler |
Armanino, LLP | Todd J. Goldenhersh, CPA (314) 983-1205 todd.goldenhersh@armaninollp.com www.armaninollp.com Kyle Dodwell, CPA |
Bauknight Pietras & Stormer, P.A. | Bryan Hudson, CPA, ACI bhudson@bpscpas.com Christian Stormer, CPA cstormer@bpscpas.com Thomas Pietras, CPA tpietras@bpscpas.com David Ward, CPA dward@bpscpas.com Jesse Swearingen III, CPA jswearingen@bpscpas.com Benjamin Glenn, CPA bglenn@bpscpas.com (803) 771-8943 www.bpscpas.com |
Bennett Thrasher LLP
Alana Mueller |
The Burkett Firm, P.C. | Nicholas I. Burkett, CPA/ABV/CFF, CFE (903)525-6491 nick@burkettcpafirm.com https://burkettcpafirm.com/ |
Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC | Phyllis Ingram, CPA Steven Williams, CPA William Walker, CPA (334) 271-6678 www.cricpa.com |
Casey Neilon, Inc. | Nicola Neilon, CPA 775-283-5555 nneilon@caseyneilon.com CaseyNeilon.com |
Conner Ash, P.C. | Alicia Brockland, CPA, ABV (314) 205-2510 abrock@connerash.com www.connerash.com |
CROWE LLP | Joseph Christopher Pieksza (860) 470-2112 joseph.pieksza@crowe.com |
Crowe Horwath LLP | Glenn Saslow Pamela Cote (860) 470-2103 (860)470-2106 www.crowehorwath.com |
Eide Bailly, LLP | Ryan Donahue Vanessa Mushrim Dutton Chad Wilsie (701) 476-8826 (405)594-2041 rdonahue@eidebailly.com vdutton@eidebailly.com cwilsie@eidebailly.com www.eidebailly.com |
Ernst & Young, LLP | Kristen Lee Truglio (617)585-3559 kristen.truglio@ey.com www.ey.com |
Wesley McLeod |
Forvis Mazars | George Simon, CPA Partner Cell: 213.300.6078 Direct: 405.415.3952 george.simon@us.forvismazars.com forvismazars.us |
HKG, LLP | David Liptz (949) 474-8500 dliptz@hkgcpa.com www.hkgcpa.com/services.html |
HoganTaylor, LLP | Calvin Rowland Assurance Partner Jeffrey Aaron Koweno (918) 745-2333 (405)848-2020 crowland@hogantaylor.com jkoweno@hogantaylor.com www.hogantaylor.com |
John S. Maloney, CPA, PC, Inc. | John S. Maloney (631) 617-3990 jsmcpapc@optonline.net |
Johnson Lambert, LLP | Andrew Cleveland, CPA Principal 400 Perimeter Center Terrace, Suite 925 Atlanta, GA 30346 678-606-0226 ACleveland@JohnsonLambert.com |
Johnson Lambert, LLP | Adam Matthews Dubuque, CPA Carolyn Hayward Rice, CPA Alex Murray, CPA – Partner (802)383-4812 (802)383-4820 (843)414-0339 adubuque@johnsonlambert.com crice@johnsonlambert.com AMurray@JohnsonLambert.com www.johnsonlambert.com |
KPMG LLP | Michelle Marie Champagne (860) 297-6008 mgiacomi@kpmg.com www.kpmg.com |
Larson & Company, PC | Allison Johnson, CPA, CMA – Audit Partner 11240 South River Heights Drive, Suite 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84095 (801) 313-1900 ajohnson@larsco.com www.larsco.com |
Levine & Associates | Joshua J. Levine (516) 666-8880 josh@levineandassoc.com |
Lenning & Co., Inc. | Gerald Lenning, CPA (800) 200-4829 jerry@lenning.com www.lenning.com |
MarksNelson | Jack Maier, Partner 6800 W 115th St, Suite 3511 Overland Park, KS 66211 (816) 743 7700 jmaier@mnadvisors.com |
McDonnell Richardson, CPA | James Richardson, CPA (972) 268-4938 jrichardson@kjlaw.com www.kj-cpa.com |
Munninghoff, Lange & Co |
Brian Robert Steppe
BSteppe@ml-co.com |
PKC Kuebler, APC | Laurie Ball (951) 676-6555 laurie.ball@pkckuebler.com http://www.pkckuebler.com |
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP | Neil Weingarten (617) 530-6225 neil.weingarten@pwc.com http://www.pwc.com |
Richard, Harris, Ingram and Bozeman, PC | Lynne Bozeman (334) 277-8135 lbozeman@rhibcpa.com |
Leon Rives II |
RSM US LLP | James H. Denny Kyle Stewart (405) 239-7961 jim.denny@rsmus.com kyle.stewart@rsmus.com http://rsmus.com/locations/oklahoma.html Carrie Lynn Esler (612) 376-9370 Carrie.Esler@rsmus.com |
Amanda Lenhoff |
TaylorChandler, LLC | Chandler Ian Brewer (334) 270-7774 cbrewer@taylorchandler.com |
Thong, Yu, Wong & Lee, LLP | Victor Lee Benjamin Pascual, CPA (626) 227-2888 victor@tywlcpa.com ben@tywlcpa.com www.tywlcpa.com |
Weaver and Tidwell, LLP | Joe Carranza 9311 San Pedro Avenue, Suite 1400 San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 846-7018 joe.carranza@weaver.com www.weaver.com |
WeiserMazars, LLP | Brian Clouse (215) 259-1000 brian.clouse@weisermazars.com www.weisermazars.com |